INTERZOO is the largest pet exhibition in the world and for the 2024 edition starting on 7-10 May 2024, it houses over 2000 pet exhibitor entries including ornamental fish from all over the world.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (KPKM) through the Department of Fisheries Malaysia in collaboration with the Office of the Representative of Agriculture (PPP) The Hague provides full support to the INTERZOO 2024 Program by preparing the Malaysia Pavilion and housing the eight (8) best exhibitors selected to represent Malaysia. The companies involved are BP Aquatics, Permai Kencana, KL Discus Farm, Na Discus, Sianlon, Bintong Arowana, Greeny and CTY.
The Malaysian Pavilion was also attended by representatives from the Malaysian Embassy in Germany and MATRADE representatives in a friendly session with all the exhibitors involved this time. Various topics were covered and discussed including efforts to expand the export market of ornamental fish to Europe.
With Malaysia’s participation in INTERZOO, it has indirectly attracted the interest of local industry players to join together in raising the ornamental fish industry in Malaysia through the exposure of external technology brought by industry players from various countries.
The effort becomes a benchmark for the ornamental fish industry in Malaysia to grow and be more competitive at the global level.