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Fisheries Extension Division

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Fisheries Extension Division

Wisma Tani, Level 3, Podium 1,
Block Tower 4G2, Precinct 4,
Federal Government Administration Centre,

03-8870 4413

03-8870 4551

Fisheries Extension Division

To implement extension services, development of community and fisheries entrepreneurs, transfer of technology and fisheries innovation, disseminate information and promotion of fisheries industry.

Extension & Fisheries Community Branch

  1. To supervise and coordinate the Fisheries Delivery and Extension Service System (SPeKS Pengembangan).
  2. To implement, supervise and coordinate a community based programme myFisheries Community (myKP).
  3. To supervise and coordinate the Fisheries Network Leader (KJP).
  4. To supervise and coordinate engagement programme with target groups and stakeholders.
  5. To supervise the fisheries extension service programme implemented at the state and district level.
  6. To supervise and conduct monitoring, evaluation and empowerment of the fishing community programme.
  7. To supervise and implement fisheries extension support assistance programme to the target groups.

Innovation & Entrepreneur Development Branch

  1. To supervise and coordinate transfer of technology and fishery innovation activities.
  2. To coordinate and implement myAgropreneur Perikanan (myAP) development programme.
  3. To coordinate local and international technical skills strengthening programmes.
  4. To coordinate the activities of Fisheries Technology Extension Centre and  Incubator Programme of the Department.
  5. To provide technical advice and new technologies to the target group.
  6. To conduct technology and innovation trial and adaptation.
  7. To coordinate entrepreneur development programmes under MAFI such as the Young Agropreneur Programme, Agrotourism, CUP and HIP Food Industry Matching Grants as well as Rezeki Tani.

Promotion & Information Branch

  1. To coordinate, supervise and implement the physical and virtual department exhibition and promotion programme using the latest technology applications.
  2. To plan, coordinate, supervise and implement physical and digital publications related to technical and non-technical fisheries.
  3. To provide and implement services of Photographer, Videographer and Audio-visual for department programmes and activities.
  4. To coordinate and supervise the dissemination of technical and non-technical fisheries information to staff, target groups, the public and stakeholders.
  5. To provide department publications and exhibitions designer services.
  6. To coordinate and provide department library services.