Getting posters of marine fish and freshwater fish types
Quotation and tender issued by the Department of Fisheries, Malaysia
Quotations opening for the Department of Fisheries Malaysia is notified through Headquarters Notice Board, State Fisheries Office, Institute, Centre and district or on the Department’s website or through the e-perolehan website. Department of Fisheries tender opening is notified through advertisements in the newspapers, Headquarters bulletin boards or the Department’s website and the e-procurement website.
Import/eksport Approval
The Department of Fisheries grants approval or permission for import/export and movement of live fish only. Thus, the importation of biological samples of marine life preserved with formalin is not under the jurisdiction of the Department.
Fishing Activity License
In accordance with the Act and Regulation of the Department of Fisheries Malaysia, each vessel/boat used for fishing must be licensed. In your case, even for your own use they need to be licensed. But perhaps if you are not a genuine or full-time fisherman, no registration card and licence for sampan or outboard engines are released anymore.
Therefore it is advisable that you obtain a licence from the Marine Department for recreational purposes. You also can go to the nearest District Fisheries Office/Marine Department for advice.
The Department of Fisheries does not provide subsidies but does provide assistance in the form of input. In addition, the department also provides Aquaculture production motivation incentives. Small-scale and commercial farmers are also entitled to such incentives that are paid based on production. The small-scale farmers of freshwater fish including catfish and others are paid RM 570 per tonne of fish produced. Payment will be made subject to the existing provisions.
However, for more information you may contact the district or state fisheries office.
Fish Price
The price of fish is determined by supply and demand. However, during festive seasons, Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) will cap prices of certain fish for the benefit of consumers. Fisheries Development Authority of Malaysia (LKIM) is entrusted to handle the marketing of fish markets in Malaysia but not to set the price. Price is determined by the market.
Boost of Fishery Resources Factor
The National Fishing Industry is divided into two (2) sub-sectors that are capture fisheries and aquaculture:
Capture Fishery
Capture Fishery sub-sector is managed to ensure that fisheries resources are exploited in a sustainable and profitable manner. Limited fisheries resources factors do not allow the increase of number of vessels done with impunity. Based on the status of existing resources, only deep sea fishing still has the potential for development. Other factors affecting the fishing industry is a lack of interest among locals to work on the deep sea fishing vessels, loss during/after harvest (post harvest losses), invasion of foreign fishing vessels, the use of equipment that is not resource friendly and downstream activities (processing) which have yet to be fully developed in our country.
Aquaculture sub-sector has high potential to be developed in the country. Among the factors affecting the development of the aquaculture industry is a huge start-up capital, the difficulty of obtaining a suitable area and the threat of disease. The country is not left behind in terms of technology and the Department is always ready to help with the technical aspects. The fry shortage issue is due to lack of operators as the method/technique to produce fry are readily available in our country.
The two sub-sectors of fisheries also face problems in terms of lack of local workers, the need to comply with international standards, competition and the need to produce quality products safe for consumption and cheaper than imports.
Scheduled Fish Species
According to the CITES Act 2008 (Act 626), Section 10 and 12, it is an offense if a scheduled fish species (Appendix 2) in Table 3 – Scheduled Species is possessed without a permit. However, for fish that have been preserved or acquired before this, the Department will implement the registration process for the purpose of fish authorisation soon.
Please refer to the nearest District or State Fisheries Office for more information.
Fisheries Distribution Data
Department of Fisheries releases its Annual Fisheries Statistics Book annually and it is possible that the information may be obtained from the Book. The book is available for sale at the Publication Unit of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, Precinct 4, Putrajaya for only RM 10. The book can also be downloaded from the statistics page of the Department of Fisheries Website.
Import prodecure for the Flowerhorn fish from Vietnam
Department of Fisheries has made an amendment to the regulations; the flowerhorn fish (Genus Cichlasoma) is included in the list of live fish that is prohibited from import. This prohibition is according to the (Prohibition of Import, etc., of Fish) Regulations, 1990.* Amendment in 2011, the Fisheries Act 1985. This prohibition was gazetted on 10th March 2011.
For more information please contact the Fisheries Biosecurity Division via line 03-8870 4000.
Cockle Import
If the cockles are to be exported are alive, it must be adult and sized not less than 25mm. The following conditions must be satisfied before the export of cockles can be done:
- Exporters are required to register with the Department of Fisheries Malaysia.
- Exporters are required to register with MAQIS to obtain MAQIS export permits.
- Exporters are required to apply for an export licence of Alive Fish/Cockles from the Fisheries Development Authority of Malaysia (LKIM).
- Exporters are required to obtain information on the analysis requirements determined by the importing country.
Before cockles can be exported, it needs to be accompanied by health certificates obtained from state Fisheries Biosecurity Unit at the exit and the application must be made 3 days prior to the cockles date of export. Health certificate will be issued based on the analysis requirements of the importing country.
Fish Farm Registration
For the purpose of application to register a farm under CITES, a proposal on your farm should be prepared and forwarded to the Department of Fisheries Malaysia. The Department will then make a review of the proposal before the audit based on the checklist and conditions set by the Geneva CITES Secretariat. The completed proposal will then be sent to the CITES Secretariat in Geneva to be reviewed and approved.
For more information about proposal preparation and others, you can contact Puan Norashikin bt Daliyana at line 03-8870 4682 or email to the following email address
Import procedure for live coral and marine fish from abroad (eg: Australia/America) for personal use (non-commercial)
You are required to obtain CITES certificate for live coral from country of origin which it is imported from and submit application to obtain CITES permit from Malaysian Fisheries Department. CITES permit from country of export shall be forwarded to the Department for CITES Import Permit application. CITES Import Permit application form can be obtained from the Department of Fisheries Malaysia website. Please refer to CITES Import/Export Permit For Endangered Aquatic Species – Act 686 for further details on application and required forms.