The Department of Fisheries Malaysia held a discussion with Mrs. Sally Chee, Deputy President, Malaysia Buddhist Asscociation (MBA) on the proposed collaboration to provide public awareness to the target groups regarding the management of foreign fish species.
This meeting was held to discuss educational programs and awareness talks that can be implemented together. MBA representatives were also briefed on inland fisheries and fish species that are prohibited from being released into public waters.
The discussion session was chaired by Tuan Haji Bakri bin Miswan, Deputy Director of Capture Fisheries Resources Division, Fisheries Biosecurity Division, State Fisheries Office and Inland Fisheries Branch.
Sesi perbincangan ini dipengerusikan oleh Tuan Haji Bakri bin Miswan, Timbalan Pengarah Bahagian Sumber Perikanan Tangkapan, Bahagian Biosekuriti Perikanan, Pejabat Perikanan Negeri dan Cawangan Perikanan Darat.