Planning Branch
- Plan and manage the formulation as well as monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of policy implementation and strategic direction for the development and management of national fisheries resources in line with current government policies (National Physical Plan, DAN, DKBK, Climate Change Policy, etc. related) and international obligations.
- Coordinating the evaluation of the effectiveness of fisheries legislation and planning the drafting of new legislation and amendments to current legislation.
- Coordinate and analyze the implementation of sectoral plans and guidelines under the Department
- Coordinating on all matters related to Parliament affairs.
- Coordinate all inputs and comments for development projects that are at risk of affecting fisheries resources and habitats.
- Coordinating domestic and foreign research approval applications by researchers
- Member of external technical committees of the Department for matters related to the fisheries sector.
- Coordinating and providing technical advice/input/review services for matters related to the fisheries sector
- Planning, enacting, reviewing and mobilizing the Department’s corporate policy mechanism including strategic relationships between government agencies, non-governmental organizations, IPTA and IPTS and corporate bodies.
- Act as secretariates to the Department’s main meetings (JPJP and MPJP) including meetings between the Department and other Agencies as well as annual conferences for Department officials.
- Provide feedback / input / Notes / Memoranda of Council of Ministers, Post-Cabinet meetings, MOA Management, Department Heads and others.
- Coordinate the preparation of the Department’s annual report.
Development Branch
- Plan and coordinate program/project applications, preparation and formulation of development projects for the Department’s five (5) year plan.
- Prepare budget application presentation to MAFI and EPU
- Monitor and regulate the implementation of the Department’s development projects so that they are in line with the Department’s mission, vision and objectives.
- Coordinate ceilings, allocations and scope of development programs/projects.
- Coordinating and preparing the budget including the distribution of allocations for the Department’s development projects.
- Updating departmental project progress data in the SPPII and ICU systems
- Prepare physical progress reports and departmental project expenditures to central ministries/agencies
- Coordinate the preparation of Project Outcome Evaluation presentations to the ministry
- Coordinate the provision of information for project inspectorate visits by the ministry
- Coordinate the acquisition and ownership process and controlling the use of Department-owned lands.
- Be the secretary of the Departmental Development Action JK Meeting (JTPJP), Peg Meeting. Land Development and Monitoring Department (MPPEM).
- Providing feedback/input for the JK Meeting of Ministry Development Actions (JTPK), JK Underutilized, JKPO and others
- Coordinate the Department’s Land Inventory (Land Inventory System)
- Coordinating the control of land belonging to the department, cases of land encroachment as well as applications for land acquisition (acquisition, ownership, change of use, purchase and reservation)
- Coordinate PTP land release proposals to federal departments/agencies
- Coordinating applications for lease/rent of land/building space belonging to PTP by private individuals, individuals or incubators and other related matters
- Coordinating monitoring/audit responses to other agencies such as the National Audit Department (JAN), ICU JPM and EPU.
International Branch
- Plan, coordinate, analyze and update the status and distribute information and feedback regarding international affairs of fisheries including international trade so that national interests are preserved.
- Ensuring that all international obligations related to international fisheries affairs such as international conventions/agreements as well as projects under international cooperation frameworks such as ASEAN, SEAFDEC, UN (FAO, CBD, CITES, IUCN, IMO) and others that need to be implemented in Malaysia were coordinated, planned, implemented and reviewed the effectiveness of its implementation;
- Coordinating, studying and preparing together with the Focal Point/ National Coordinator any Intervention Notes, Briefs, Position and Background Papers, and Official Statements, on behalf of the Department and the State in international affairs of fisheries including international trade covering current issues and ensuring that they comply National policy/legislation and fulfill international obligations;
- Coordinating any application and notification from Foreigners or International Organizations related to international fisheries affairs including international trade;
- Coordinating, updating and finalizing all forms of agreements and MOUs related to international affairs (including management, enforcement, trade and current issues);
- Management of discussion sessions/meetings/workshops/conferences/international seminars organized by the Department where the International Branch is appointed as Focal Point/Secretariat;
- Managing the approval of officers to attend meetings/seminars/workshops/trade missions/delegations of YB Ministers abroad;
- Assist in the preparation of Memorandums, Cabinet Notes or Department/Ministry responses to draft Memorandums related to international fisheries affairs
- Coordinating and updating the appointment of Focal Point / Key Project Leader / Committee Member / National Coordinator / Coordinating Officer / Standing Member / Technical Advisor / National Expert related to international fisheries affairs including international trade at Department or State level.
Fisheries Data Collection Branch
- Plan, design and develop fisheries data collection programs and systems.
- Implement and supervise Capture Fisheries, aquaculture, inland fisheries, post-harvest and fishery trade data collection.
- Store, process and analyze fisheries data.
- Coordinate fisheries data with other agencies such as MAQIS, LKIM, DOSM, and other related agencies
- Provide SDG reporting input for the fisheries sector
- Prepare annual fisheries statistics report book.
- Carry out regular coordination and standardization of data for Headquarters, State and District levels.
- Provide input to the Department’s Top Management in making informed decisions, formulating policies, strategies and the direction of the Department.
- Advising the Department’s management on changes in the flow of fisheries data
- Prepare annual fisheries reports to relevant international bodies such as FAO, EU.
- Supplying the main data of the country’s fisheries sector to MAFI, DOSM, Bank Negara, LHDN, KPDNHEP, EPU, IPT as well as international bodies such as FAO, SEAFDEC, UNESCAPE, IOTC and others.
- Providing general fisheries information to the fishing industry as well as any parties in need.
- Prepare Fisheries Data Collection SOPs which are divided into three (3) Volumes namely Capture Fisheries SOPs, Aquaculture and Inland Fisheries
Investment and Consulting Branch
- Disseminate information and provide consulting services on investment prospects and appropriate business models to private companies and potential investors in the field of aquaculture, capture fisheries, fish-based processing industry and fisheries enterprise support services business.
- Coordinating the facilitation of domestic and foreign trade in the fisheries sector.
- Plan, manage and review the Incentive Promotion Program including tax exemptions and Matching Promotion for the fisheries sector.
- Coordinating the organization and participation of the industry in national and international expos related to the fishing industry.
- Monitor the East Coast Economic Region (ECER) and Northern Corridor Implementation Authority (NCIA) development projects.