Aquaculture Management Branch
- Planning, coordinating and evaluating the formulation/amendment/revision of policy, legislation, standard operating procedures (SOP) in relation to the development of nation aquaculture.
- Coordinating and assisting with administrative affairs tasks (stores, stock assets, ICT, HRMIS) and financial management.
- Planning, coordinating and prepare, monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the Strategic Plan and the direction of aquaculture development.
- Planning, coordinating and reviewing the implementation of national and international collaboration programs including related aquaculture policy papers.
- Coordinating, supervising responses to key meetings (e.g. MPJP, JPJP, MPT), conferences, Dewan Rakyat / State questions and so on at the department and ministry level.
- Coordinating, monitoring, evaluating, reporting the implementation and achievement of action plans under the Aquaculture Strategic Plan and related KPIs (eg Division, Security Policy, DAN 2.0).
- Coordinating, monitoring and evaluating aid programs under the Aquaculture Delivery and Support Service System (SPeKS AKUA).
- Coordinating the implementation of engagement sessions with target groups and stakeholders.
- Coordinating, monitoring and evaluating the data of national aquaculture operators and production (eg eSMPP system, GIS-Biomap).
- Coordinating the implementation of technology transfer/courses to improve the competency of officers, staff and target groups of the Aquaculture Division.
- Coordinating and providing feedback to proposed projects/programs that have a direct or indirect impact on the aquaculture industry.
- Coordinating exhibition and promotion programs for the Aquaculture Division.
Marine Aquaculture Branch
- Planning, preparing and implementing the policies, legislation, action plans, SOPs, Malaysian standard documents (MS) and national marine aquaculture industry development programs, including projects in aquaculture zoning areas.
- Planning and implementing new species livestock development programs.
- Monitoring, tracking and evaluating the effectiveness of action plans, SOPs and marine aquaculture industry development programs.
- Planning and monitoring the increase in production, productivity and quality of marine fish products.
- Implementation of the application and transfer of livestock technology programs and encourage marine entrepreneurs to use the Internet of Things (IoT).
- Planning and creating an aquaculture production chain to meet the demands and needs of industry, such as seeds, food, technology and others.
- Coordinating and evaluating the Aquaculture Delivery and Support Service System (SPeKS AKUA) and providing technical expertise for marine aquaculture operators.
- Analyze and validate farm profile and production data for marine commodities.
- Planning, implementing and evaluating engagement sessions with target groups and stakeholders.
- Planning, implementing and evaluating the implementation of national and international collaboration programs for marine commodities.
- Implement exhibition and promotion programs for the Aquaculture Division.
Freshwater Aquaculture Branch
- To plan, implement and coordinate development programs for the aquaculture industry of freshwater fish, ornamental fish and aquatic plants.
- Track and evaluate the
- Planning, preparing and implementing the policies, legislation, action plans, SOPs, Malaysian standard documents (MS) and national freshwater aquaculture industry development programs, including projects in aquaculture zoning areas.
- Planning and implementing new species livestock development programs.
- Monitoring, tracking and evaluating the effectiveness of action plans, SOPs and freshwater aquaculture industry development programs.
- Planning and monitoring the increase in production, productivity and quality of freshwater fish products.
- Implementation of the application and transfer of livestock technology programs and encourage freshwater entrepreneurs to use the Internet of Things (IoT).
- Planning and creating an aquaculture production chain to meet the demands and needs of industry, such as seeds, food, technology and others.
- Coordinating and evaluating the Aquaculture Delivery and Support Service System (SPeKS AKUA) and technical expertise for freshwater aquaculture operators.
- Analyze and validate farm profile and production data for freshwater commodities.
- Planning, implementing and evaluating engagement sessions with target groups and stakeholders.
- Planning, implementing and evaluating the implementation of national and international collaboration programs for freshwater commodities.
- Implement exhibition and promotion programs for the Aquaculture Division.
Fisheries Economic Transformation Branch
- Planning, coordinating and evaluating the development allocation (development budget) for the Aquaculture Division.
- Planning, managing and implementing Special Projects under the Malaysia Plan (RMK) and one-off allocation.
- Coordinating and evaluating Special Projects under the Malaysia Plan (RMK) and one-off allocation.
- Planning and coordinating project implementation in the Aquaculture Industry Zoning area.
- Planning and coordinating programs to encourage the private sector participation in the aquaculture industry.
- Coordinating and implementing the Development Projects and Special Projects under the Malaysia Plan (RMK) and one-off provision, and coordinating the project monitoring and evaluation visits.
- Planning and coordinating the implementation of Innovations and new technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT) applications in the aquaculture industry.
- Planning, implementing and evaluating the implementation of national and international collaboration programs.
- Planning, implementing and evaluating engagement sessions with target groups and stakeholders.
- Implement exhibition and promotion programs for the Aquaculture Division.
Breed and Seed Branch
- Planning, preparing and implementing the policies, legislation, action plans, SOPs, Malaysian standard documents (MS) and national breeding/nursery development program, including projects in the aquaculture zoning areas.
- Planning, coordinating and implementing seed industry development programs for existing and new species.
- Coordinating, developing and supervising the Department’s aquaculture centre/premises as a technology transfer centre/Government and Private Aquaculture Centre, breed production, quality seeds and others.
- Planning and setting national seed production targets (private and Government) based on the aquaculture action plan.
- Coordinating and implementing Breed Development through the Broodstock Multification Center (BMC) for the Government and Private with the Fisheries Research Institute (FRI).
- Implement a program for the application and transfer of livestock technology and encourage the usage of the Internet of Things (IoT) for breeding/nursing operators.
- Coordinating and implementing the Aquaculture Delivery and Support Service System (SPeKS AKUA) and technical expertise for breeding/nursing operators.
- Coordinating, analyzing and validating breeding/nurture centre profile data.
- Planning, implementing and evaluating the implementation of national and international collaboration programs for breeding/nursing.
- Planning, implementing and evaluating engagement sessions with target groups and stakeholders for seeding/nurture.
- Implement exhibition and promotion programs for the Aquaculture Division.
Ornamental Fish Branch
- Planning, preparing and implementing action plans, SOPs and aquaculture industry development programs for aquatic plants and ornamental fish, including projects in aquaculture zoning areas.
- Planning and implementing new species livestock development programs.
- Monitoring, tracking and evaluating the effectiveness of action plans, SOPs and development programs for the aquatic plants and ornamental fish industry.
- Planning and monitoring the increase in production, productivity and quality of aquatic plants and ornamental fish.
- Implement a program for the application and transfer of livestock technology and encourage the usage of the Internet of Things (IoT) for aquatic plant and ornamental fish operators.
- Planning and creating an aquaculture production chain to meet the demands and needs of the industry, such as seeds, food, technology and others.
- Coordinating and evaluating the Aquaculture Delivery and Support Service System (SPeKS AKUA) and technical expertise to aquatic plant and ornamental fish operators.
- Analyzing and validating farm profile and production data for aquatic plants and ornamental fish.
- Planning, implementing and evaluating engagement sessions with target groups and stakeholders for aquatic plants and ornamental fish.
- Planning, implementing and evaluating the implementation of national and international collaborative programs for aquatic plants and ornamental fish.
- Implement exhibition and promotion programs for the Aquaculture Division.