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Capture Fishery Resources Division

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Capture Fishery Resources Division

Wisma Tani, Level 1,
Tower 4G2, Precinct 4,
Federal Government Administration Centre,

03-8870 4406

03-8889 1233

Capture Fishery Resources Division

Planning, developing, coordinating, implementing and monitoring fisheries resource management programs as stated in the Fisheries Act 1985, Fisheries Licensing Policy, recreational fisheries, and inland fisheries to ensure sustainable resource exploitation in the Malaysian Fisheries Waters and High Seas to secure national food supply, increase fishing income, and reducing imports (food security).

Resource Management Section/Branch

  1. Propose and evaluates the drafting/amendment of policies and legislation relating to marine fisheries resources.
  2. Design, coordinates and implement the process of gazetted/limited zoning exploitation fisheries resource areas (Closed Season).
  3. Develop, coordinate and evaluate the implementation of the Fisheries Management Plan (FMP), Ecosystem Approach Fisheries Management (EAFM) and National Plan of Action (NPOA) for marine fisheries resource management components.
  4. Review new applications, propose and evaluate follow-up actions on research related to marine fisheries resources conducted by FRI, NGOs, IPTA/IPTS, corporate bodies and others.
  5. Coordinates, implements and evaluates industry consultation programs / consultation with stakeholders related to marine fisheries resource management.
  6. Provides intervention notes for international and national technical committees on marine fisheries resource management.
  7. Provides input and advisory on issues related to marine fisheries resource management (SDG, parliament and others).
  8. Manage and coordinate Fish Aggregated Device (FAD) and support vessel for fishing activities.
  9. Design, coordinate, evaluate, implement and monitor the development of fishing gears and equipment.

Deep Sea Development Section/Branch

  1. Proposed, evaluates, implements and monitor new policies, procedures and regulations as well as revisions regarding the licensing of fishing vessel in accordance with domestic and international requirements.
  2. Assess, implements and monitor deep sea vessel licensing and appeals through e-License systems, controls and profiles, special physical inspection of vessel and activity on deep sea vessels.
  3. Proposed, evaluates, implements and monitors permit applications, licenses and appeals for vessel and fishing equipment including MPPI.
  4. Assess and monitor the management of vessel operations based on the activation of the Vessel Monitoring System (VMS), fish landing ( logbook) and compliance with specified conditions.
  5. Desing, coordinates, implements and monitor programs/projects related to the development of deep-sea fishing vessels through industry consultation /consultation with stakeholders.
  6. Coordinate, implements and evaluates deep-sea fisheries development programs, provides information and compliance reports on deep-sea fisheries for the Department, Ministry, agency and international levels.

Licensing Section/Branch

  1. Proposed, develops ,evaluates, implemenst and monitor new policies, procedures, terms and regulations as well as revisions on licensing of coastal fisheries, fisherman, shellfish, in accordance with domestic and international requirements.
  2. Coordinates, develops, implements and monitors coastal vessel licensing policies and procedures through the development and implementation of e-License systems.
  3. Coordinates and develops Catch Documentation Scheme and certificates for export purposes.
  4. Management of Automated Identification System (AIS) for vessel monitoring.
  5. Planning, coordinating, evaluating, implementing, monitoring related to coastal fisheries development, physical examination, application for new license, consultation, special vessel inspection, special exemption approval and appeal.
  6. Coordinates, implements and evaluates vessel modernization programs and industry consultations / consultations / consultants with stakeholders related to coastal fisheries.
  7. Coordinates, evaluates and provides information on compliance with coastal fisheries for the department, ministry, agency and international levels.

Tuna Development Section/Branch

  1. Proposed, evaluates, implements and monitors new and existing procedures and regulations and revisions regarding tuna licensing including compliance with applicable IOTC resolutions accordance with international and domestic law.
  2. Design, implement and monitor Port State Measures (PSM) and provide IOTC compliance and capture data. Compliance and implementation of high seas requirements and supervision of tuna vessel monitoring systems through THEMIS.
  3. Implement, evaluates, manage and monitor applications for new vessel permits and C3 Zone tuna fishing equipment and tuna licensing activities and production of Authorization to Fish (ATF) in international waters (Indian Ocean).
  4. Design, coordinate, evaluate, implement, monitor fisheries development programs and tuna industry chains as well as industry consulting programs (MPI) Tuna with Tuna Industry related stakeholders.
  5. Received, review and propose improvements to local companies’ recommendations or requirements such as the establishment of new ports, operating factories, joint ventures, and government agencies.

Inland Fisheries Section/Branch

  1. Coordinates and develop inland fisheries to improved landing and improved sources of income.
  2. Coordinates, develops and implements the regulation and licensing of inland fisheries, inland fisheries resource management and conservation programs nationwide.
  3. Coordinates, develops and implements monitoring and conservation programs of native and endangered species so that native and endangered fish sources can be maintained and preserved.
  4. Coordinate, develop and implement inland fisheries economic improvement programs to improve the potential and increase of income of the inland fishing community can be expanded.
  5. Coordinates Supervise Special Fishermen’s Housing Program (PKPN) under the Fishermen’s Housing Project (PPND).
  6. Supervise inland fisheries allowance programs and socioeconomic studies of inland fishermen.

Recreational Fishery Section/Branch

  1. Develop, evaluates, implement and monitor new policies, procedures and regulations as well as revisions / amendments regarding the licensing of marine recreational fisheries.
  2. Design, coordinate, evaluate, implement, monitor the development programs of the marine recreational fishing industry.
  3. Develop, evaluate, implement and monitor the management and conservation of marine recreational fisheries resources in accordance with international instruments.
  4. Develop, implement, evaluate and monitor recreational fisheries registration and licensing.
  5. Coordinates, evaluates and provides information and feedback or reports on recreational fisheries for the department, ministry, agency and international levels.
  6. Develop, evaluate, implement and monitor the development of (hotspot) attractions and support facilities for marine recreational fisheries activities.
  7. Coordinates, implements and evaluates industry consulting programs / consultants as well as public awareness with the relevant groups on the importance of management, development and conservation of marine recreational fisheries.