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Engineering Division

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Engineering Division

Wisma Tani, Level 4, Podium 1,
Block Tower 4G2, Precinct 4,
Federal Government Administration Centre,

03-8870 4408

03-8888 9439

Cawangan Aquaculture Engineering Branch

  1. Designing, preparing specifications, managing and supervising hatchery projects, nurseries, tanks, ponds, cages, as well as livestock systems and technologies according to site and species suitability.
  2. Implement the Fisheries Leadership Program including setting the quantum, monitoring and evaluating the ‘reimbursement’ work.
  3. Providing engineering input in identifying potential areas as well as designation of Aquaculture Industrial Zones (ZIA) / Permanent Food Production Parks (TKPM).
  4. Formulate departmental standards for aquaculture technology systems such as hatchery technology, livestock cages, and livestock ponds/tanks for the purpose of Certification (MYGAP/FQC)
  5. Review, investigate and carry out site survey work for the preparation of concept plans as well as project summaries and budgets.
  6. Provide engineering input in identifying potential sites for cage fish farming by conducting Hydrographic Studies
  7. Conduct research/exploration of technology to adapt and apply new/latest/green technology in the development of aquaculture engineering.
  8. Assisting in the transfer of new technology including the provision of incubator systems to potential entrepreneurs as well as collaborating with development activities in the field of aquaculture.
  9. Conduct research/exploration of technology to adapt and apply new/latest/green technologies (IoT, IR 4.0 and others) in the development of the aquaculture industry.
  10. Design, develop, verify and evaluate automation and mechanization systems and innovations in the development of the aquaculture industry
  11. Provide consulting services to target groups, government and private agencies
  12. Carrying out technical advisory service activities and giving engineering lectures related to aquaculture livestock.

Fisheries Infrastructure And Conservation Engineering Branch

  1. Design, prepare specifications, manage and supervise projects such as office complexes, quarters, institutes, piers, pontoons, ports and basic infrastructure facilities as per site suitability.
  2. Design, prepare specifications, manage and supervise upgrading and repair projects such as office complexes, quarters, institutes, jetties, ports and basic infrastructure facilities as per site suitability.
  3. Coordinating in the implementation of Fisheries Department programs either internally, BPSP, JPS, JKR or by consultants.
  4. Provide technical input in project planning as well as setting the system, layout and standards to be used..
  5. Review, investigate and carry out site survey work for the preparation of concept plans as well as project summaries and budgets
  6. Provide engineering input in identifying potential sites for infrastructure including conducting Hydrographic Studies
  7. Design, prepare specifications, manage and supervise fisheries conservation projects such as artificial reefs, sanctuaries and conservation systems.
  8. Implement the Fisheries Department’s asset management program including the assessment and disposal of assets
  9. Provide consulting services to target groups, government and private agencies
  10. Carrying out technical advisory service activities and giving engineering lectures

Fisheries Capture Fisheries & Marine Technology Enginering Branch

  1. Designing, preparing specifications, managing and supervising the construction of Department vessels and fishing vessels, facilities and safety for fishermen and navigation, construction of fish cages in seas, estuaries and lakes, construction of floating structures such as operating houses on water, construction of support equipment such as fish pump, lift up, feeding system, construction of mooring buoy and payao according to site and species.
  2. Prepare cost estimates, job description details, material quantity lists, tender/quotation documents, make evaluations and contract management in addition to certifying payment for completed works.
  3. Managing the innovation program of the fisheries sector including being the secretary of the Department’s innovation competition.
  4. Provide consulting services to target groups, government and private agencies.
  5. Carrying out technical advisory service activities and giving engineering lectures related to capture fisheries engineering.
  6. Update the Department’s standards and regulations in line with international regulations such as IMO, ILO and Hygiene On Board (HOB) for all fishing vessel zones in Malaysia according to current requirements.
  7. Implement the Capture Fisheries Leadership Program including vessel modernization.
  8. Conduct research/exploration of technology to adapt and apply new/latest/green technology in the development of the catch fishery industry and fishing vessels.
  9. Design, develop, verify and evaluate automation and mechanization systems and innovations in the development of fishing vessels and fishing vessels.
  10. Carry out inspections of all fishing vessels for the purpose of the licensing process in the Fisheries Act, circulars in force and compliance with international regulations such as:-
    a. Vessel Inspection to determine tonnage (GRT), horse power, Brand, engine model, and Safety Equipment
    b. Installation inspection, testing and commissioning of Mobile Tracking Unit (MTU), AIS, RFID
    c. Screen worthy inspection based on classification body standards
    d. Hygien On Board internal auditor
    e. Become an expert consulting loan companies, insurance and other agencies in evaluating vessels for loan, insurance and accident cases
    f. Conducting assessment of vessels and confiscation equipment for local and foreign vessels for the purpose of legal process and becoming an expert referring to the court.
    g. Conduct inspection of fishing vessels for disposal purposes

Contract And Quantity Surveying Branch

  1. Provide Material Measurement Expertise in the field of Fisheries Engineering and Engineering in Procurement management and Contract Administration
  2. Plan the best procedures and guidelines related to Procurement and Contract Management in line with Government Policy
  3. Review tender documents, quotations and procurement before the contract, during the contract and after the contract to ensure that all procedures are followed and the provisions of the contract are defined and implemented accordingly.
  4. Provide advisory services to top management, various Divisions, various States and various FRIs in the Department of Fisheries projects and procurement in the Department of Fisheries Malaysia in matters of making tenders and contracts.
  5. Formulate new procedures and update existing regulations and provide guidelines related to tenders and contract administration.
  6. Administer and act as a secretariat for Engineering Procurement such as Technical Evaluation Committee, Quotation Committee, postponement and extension of time, Change Order/Temporary Quantity Measurement Committee.
  7. Provide consulting services to target groups, government and private agencies
  8. Carrying out technical advisory service activities and giving engineering lectures

Contract Vessel Maintenance Branch (Fisheries Shipyard)

  1. Prepare docking list, manage and supervise scheduled maintenance and damaged vessels.
  2. Prepare specifications, manage and supervise the maintenance of the Department’s fish cages and fishing equipment.
  3. Provide logistics support services for Department vessels, Department fish cages and fishing equipment throughout Malaysia.
  4. Managing the operations of Fisheries shipyard including carrying out activities/work of boat fisheries shipyard and supervising and monitoring the maintenance of vessels in private shipyard.
  5. Checking invoices and executing ‘cost queries’ and certifying the completed work for vessels according to the latest price rates issued by the Ministry of Finance
  6. Manage automation and mechanization workshops.
  7. Provide consulting services to target groups, government and private agencies
  8. Carrying out technical advisory service activities and giving engineering lectures
  9. Coordinating, managing, faithfully managing and executing procurement by government order (PO), quotes and tenders at PTJ;
  10. Coordinating the secretariat of the PTJ Quotation Committee meeting
  11. Coordinate the management of movable and immovable assets at the PTJ level
  12. Coordinating the secretariat of the Government Asset Management Committee (Movable Assets and Facilities) meeting at PTJ level;
  13. Manage and implement matters related to service, filling, and retirement at the PTJ level.
  14. Manage and implement work responsibilities, allowances and facilities, remuneration, leave, benefits and rewards.
  15. Manage and implement HRMIS data updates
  16. Coordinating, managing and overseeing management and development allocation matters at the PTJ level
  17. Manage and supervise matters related to payment instructions such as emoluments, contracts, bill payments, bulk, air warrants, retail money orders and other claims
  18. Coordinating the secretariat of the Finance and Accounts Management Committee (JPKA) meeting on a quarterly basis at PTJ