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Human Capital Development Division

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Human Capital Development Division

Wisma Tani, Level 4, Podium 2,
Block Tower 4G2, Precinct 4,
Federal Government Administration Centre,

03-8870 4601

03-8889 1052

Career, Advancement and Competency Branch

  1. Coordinating the implementation of the improvement requirements of the Succession Plan and the development to civil servants of the Department of Fisheries Malaysia.
  2. Coordinating the implementation of the development of the Department’s Career Path Plan.
  3. Coordinating and managing the implementation of the Program Sijil Perikanan according to the requirements of the Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA).
  4. Monitoring operation expenses.
  5. Coordinating the implementation of short/medium/long term courses to improve the competence of the Department’s civil servants.
  6. Coordinating the implementation of the career advancement of the Special Matter Expert pathway (SME) for civil servants of the Department of Fisheries Malaysia.
  7. Coordinating the implementation of study leave applications for civil servants of the Department of Fisheries Malaysia.
  8. Management coordinator of the Psychological Application and Counseling Program (AKRAB) Department of Fisheries Malaysia/Mentoring/KIK.
  9. Managing nominations for awarding Darjah Kebesaran to civil servants of the Department of Fisheries Malaysia.

Training, Skill & Quality Management Branch

  1. Planning and managing the implementation of skill improvement courses (upskilling & reskilling) for staff and target groups.
  2. Manage training in collaboration with ministries / departments / external agencies / industries.
  3. Monitoring Customer Satisfaction Index.
  4. Monitoring development expenses.
  5. Coordinating of placement of IPTA/IPTS/Training Center industrial training students at the Departmental Training Center.
  6. Monitoring the physical and infrastructure needs of the training center.
  7. Managing and implementing the Department’s Quality Management System (ISO, SPAN and Innovation).
  8. Coordinating the Implementation of the Local Crew Development Program.
  9. Coordinating the Implementation of Manning Regulations.
  10. Coordinating the development, coordination and monitoring of psychological services in the Department’s human resource management to develop the human resources/human capital of a prosperous, high-performing and integrity organization.