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Honorable Visit of the Delegation (KPKM) with IPSOS Sdn Bhd

Home » Activities » Honorable Visit of the Delegation (KPKM) with IPSOS Sdn Bhd

23 May 2024

The Director General of Fisheries, Dato’ Adnan Hussain was pleased to receive a courtesy visit from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (KPKM) delegation together with the consulting company, IPSOS Sdn Bhd. on 23 May 2024 at the Fisheries Department Headquarters, Putrajaya.

This session was held to discuss strategic proposals and initiatives related to the fisheries in the National Food Security Blueprint Study.

Also present in this visit session were Mr. Shahril Faizal bin Abdul Jani, Secretary of Policy and Strategic Planning Division (DPS), KPKM and Mr. Ganesan A/L Periakarruppan, Principal of IPSOS Strategy3 (Malaysia).