Ybhg. Dato’ Adnan bin Hussain, Director General of the Department of Fisheries Malaysia attended the amiable programme at Tasik Bukit Merah today.
100 goldfish worth RM150,000 were released at the Bukit Merah Lake Sanctuary by Dato’ Director General together with stakeholders accompanied by the Director General of Perak Fisheries Department, Tuan Haji Mohd Ghazali bin A. Manap.
The release is to conserve and ensure the sustainability of the species in its natural habitat.
There was also a presentation of RM21,000 worth of MADANI (aquaculture sub-sector) cheques to the fishing community of Tasik Bukit Merah in Kerian district. Assistance in the form of equipment input i.e. six units of livestock tank, water pump, aerator, water parameter test kit, piping system as well as fish and seed feed input.
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