Issuance of the licence for vessel and fishing equipment for Sampan, Zone A, Zone B and Zone C
Application for the licence of deep sea fishing vessel and equipment
Applicants must complete the provided LPI 1/95 Form and prepare a project paperwork proposal including the submission of related supporting documents. LPI 1/95 Form and a complete guide for forms completion and project paperwork preparation can be obtained by visiting the Department’s website.
Applications must be submitted directly to Headquarters, Department of Fisheries. For those who do not have internet access, application forms can also be obtained from the Fisheries Offices closest to your residence.
Small Fishermen Operation Area
Small fishermen refers to fishermen who use traditional tools such as drift nets, traps and others. Fishermen in this category are allowed to operate from 1 nautical mile – 5 nautical mile and upwards. The Department does not limit the operation of the sampan and vessels with less than 40 GRT maximum load value, laden with traditional equipment as they are more resource friendly. However, they are only allowed to operate in state waters where their vessels are licensed.
Changing the licensing of the Zone B vessels to Zone C and change ownership to company (SDN BHD)
The application can be submitted simultaneously to change zone, skin, engine and equipment (if applicable) and transfer of ownership from the original owner to the company. However, each approved application can no longer be amended or changed. Please contact the related District Fisheries Office for more information.
Transfer of ownership for Sampan Permit (Class A)
The transfer of ownership for Sampan license is only allowed to the wife or children who:
- is genuine fisherman.
- has no other fishing vessels.
- has no steady job and will solely work on the sampan.
- must be local resident and Malaysian citizens.
However, in the case of death, the flexibility is given to the beneficiary who is not a genuine fisherman to transfer the boat permit to other genuine fisherman. This should be made within a period not exceeding one year after instructions from the Amanah Raya/courts/small estate is acquired (if involving inheritance/will).
Further information relating to the ownership transfer can be obtained from the District Fisheries Office.
Change of Sampan, Zone A and B vessels license holders
Change of fishing boats, Zone A and B vessels license holders can only be made to the genuine fisherman. Although Amanah Raya has issued a letter of possession of the vessel, the vessel ownership must be transferred to the genuine fishermen within a year either sold or as a gift to the fisherman.
Genuine fishermen are fishermen who have fishing registration cards issued by the Department of Fisheries Malaysia to fishermen who are directly involved in the industry for a period of 120 days a year and have no other occupation.
Expired Boat License
An expired boat license can be renewed at the nearest District Fisheries Office where the boat is licensed by submitting a license book and fisherman’s card. For the purpose of changing the name of the owner, if no will is made, a certificate from Amanah Raya must be obtained (may take time).
Further details can be obtained from the officer at the nearest District Fisheries Office.
Fishing Activity Approval License
Fishing activities using equipment and boat/vessels/sampan are subject to the Fisheries Act 1985 and equipment and vessels must be licensed. Sampan licenses are only issued to genuine fishermen and the Department of Fisheries Malaysia also does not issue sampan licenses at this time. Bringing anglers for recreational activities is under the jurisdiction of the Peninsular Malaysia Marine Department and you can apply for a permit from the agency. However, the permit is not a permission license for you to carry out fishing activities using fishing equipment other than carrying anglers.
Please contact the nearest District Fisheries Office or Marine Department for more information to avoid the boat being confiscated or fined.
Application of License and Fisherman’s Card
The Department of Fisheries Malaysia does not issue any fisherman’s license. Instead, the Department issues vessels and fishing equipment licenses as well as fisherman cards to genuine fishermen. Applications for vessel licenses and fishermen’s cards are processed by the Licensing and Capture Fishery Division. The division is resposible to manage the production of:
- vessel licenses and traditional fishing equipment
- deep sea commercial license (c2)
- tuna fishing license
- marine culture license (SKL)
- fish aggregate device license (MPPI)
- process fisherman card applications for local fishermen as well as foreign crews for foregin fishermen working on local fishing vessels
However, for now, all new licenses for onshore and deep sea fishing have been frozen.