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Information Management Division

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Information Management Division

Wisma Tani, Level 3,
Block Tower 4G2, Precinct 4,
Federal Government Administration Centre,

03-8870 4306

03-8881 0343

Role of the Division

Collect and process fisheries data and information effectively and efficiently for dissemination through print and electronic media for the planning, management and development of the fisheries sector in a sustainable, dynamic and competitive manner towards achieving the objectives of the Department.

Application Development Branch

  1. To plan and implement the development and implementation of new applications in the Department.
  2. Monitor the maintenance of the existing Application System in the Department.
  3. Monitor the implementation of ICT projects in the Department’s ICT Committee Meeting (JPICT).
  4. Monitor the Implementation and Usage of EG Application System.
  5. Integration project monitoring with agencies.
  6. Monitor and complete the Information Technology Strategic Plan for the Department is implemented in accordance with the Department’s strategic plan.
  7. Manage Application System procurement.
  8. Secretariat and implement ICT Steering Committee Meetings.

Network & ICT Security Branch

  1. Implement and monitor the 1Gov * Net network in the Department.
  2. Manage the development, implementation, maintenance and monitoring of ICT security and perform duties as the Department’s ICTSO.
  3. Manage the development, implementation and maintenance of data centres.
  4. Manage the implementation and maintenance of 1GovUc emails.
  5. Plan and coordinate division management allocations.
  6. Secretariat and implement ICT Steering Committee Meetings.

Technical Operation & Website Branch

  1. Coordinate and provide assistance and additional technical services for ICT equipment to users.
  2. Plan ICT courses and training for DOF staff.
  3. To plan the acquisition of ICT equipment on a rental basis for the Headquarters, VAT, PPD and Center.
  4. Manage ICT assets and inventory.
  5. Manage and coordinate the disposal of ICT infrastructure.
  6. Maintain and update content and provide technical support on the Department’s Official Website.
  7. Secretariat and implement ICT Steering Committee Meetings.