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Courtesy Visit of RHB Islamic Bank Delegation to the Director General of the Department of Fisheries Malaysia

Home » Activities » Courtesy Visit of RHB Islamic Bank Delegation to the Director General of the Department of Fisheries Malaysia
Kunjungan Hormat Delegasi RHB Islamic Bank kepada Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Perikanan Malaysia

9 October 2024

Director General of the Department of Fisheries Malaysia, YBhg. Dato’ Haji Adnan bin Hussain received a courtesy call from the delegation of RHB Islamic Bank led by YBhg Dato’ Adissadikin bin Ali, Managing Director of RHB Islamic Bank, to the Department of Fisheries Malaysia Headquarters, Putrajaya.

RHB Islamic Bank’s main intention for this visit was to get to know each other and discuss opportunities for bilateral cooperation between the two parties. RHB also provided an explanation regarding an initiative aimed at supporting marine life, namely Ocean Harmony.

The department hopes to create opportunities for collaboration with RHB in an effort to increase the level of public awareness on the importance of marine and terrestrial biodiversity conservation by organising various communication, education and public awareness programmes that can benefit all parties and increase support for biodiversity conservation.

Also present in this visit session were YBrs. Dr. Azhar bin Hamzah, Senior Director of Research Division, Mr. Nazri bin Ishak, Director of Policy, Planning and Strategy Division, Mrs. Khazlita Adzim binti Abdol Aziz, Director of Fisheries Development Division, Mrs. Shamila binti Zainol, Director of Human Capital Development Division, Mr. Abdullah bin Jaafar, Director of Pahang State Fisheries and fisheries officers from the headquarters and officers from RHB Islamic Bank.